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New Mindset


Breakthrough Catalyst Session

Are you ready to heal from trauma, find your voice, and walk boldly toward the future God has planned for you? Let's hop on a call and tackle one targeted area that has been holding you back.


The investment for the 90-Minute Intensive is $597.


Work with Me 1:1

Personalized Pathways: Our one-on-one coaching and mentorship services offer a direct line to empowerment. Work directly with me as I provide undivided attention to your personal story, helping you to craft a life that's in line with your deepest values and aspirations. This personalized service is for those ready to invest in their journey and see real change.


1:1 coaching is a 12-week commitment. Group coaching is also an option. If you're really ready to dive deep into your healing journey with continuous support and an intimate community of women, join the exclusive 9-month coaching program that includes an all-expenses-paid retreat (minus transportation). This transformational experience requires an investment, and spaces are extremely limited due to the amount of support offered. 

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The Healed Me Academy

No matter what you're facing as you journey to heal and discover yourself, there is a course in the academy that can help you as you move toward purpose and bold living.


The investment for access to all courses in the academy is $1,500 annually or $147 monthly.


Join the Free Facebook Group

Join Our Circle: Trauma Healing and Bold Living is a free Facebook group where we talk about life, family, business, and Jesus. It is a safe space to find support and be in community. 

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Break the Chains and Heal the Pain

Finding Your Way, Your Freedom, Your Voice

The Healed Me Program is a beacon, a movement dedicated to reaching out to those who feel adrift in the vastness of expectations, norms, and societal pressures. It's for you—the silent thinkers, the quiet warriors, the ones whose voices have been hushed by the world's relentless demands.

Our Journey

We recognize the struggle in the silence. Our journey is about the reclamation of self—about navigating through the fog of uncertainty to uncover the paths to our own truths. It's about unraveling the binds of silence to let out a roar of freedom. The Healed Me Program is not just an idea; it's a collective breath, a shared step forward, a symphony of voices rising from whispers to anthems.

Our Mission

Our mission is steadfast: to guide the lost back to themselves. Whether you are wandering in search of purpose or standing at the crossroads of a pivotal life decision, The Healed Me 12-Week program offers a compass that points towards self-discovery, self-advocacy, and self-love.

Our Community

In our community, you will find stories of resilience, resources for growth, and networks of support. We stand tall on the foundation of shared experiences, learning from each other, empowering each other. Here, you will not walk alone. Here, your steps will resonate with many.

Your Voice

Your voice carries power—the power to express, to demand, and to be heard. The Healed Me program is about letting go of trauma and amplifying your voice. It's about peeling away the layers of doubt to reveal the core of your identity. It's about speaking your truth, embracing your freedom, and stepping into the light of your potential.

My Invitation

I invite you to join me. Let go of the 'lost' and embrace the journey of becoming. Stand with me, speak with me, and let your voice ring out. You are no longer silenced. You are found. You are on a journey toward freedom and bold living!

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